Carlton Ayoola.+

Your image is the life’s blood of the way people perceive you, and large percentage of your physical image is covered by your clothing/dress.
Most people associate, ‘’dress for success’’ with going for special formal meetings, interviews, and the likes. We have to cultivate the culture of dress for success on our day to day living. This advice from suits.com.ng, might worth a million dollar to you ‘’Look your best always, because you never know whom you will meet’’.

Remember the saying that ‘’first impression matters’’. Yes, they don’t know who I’m, you might say, but a poor dress may deprive you of the opportunity to prove yourself in the for instance. Don’t disqualify yourself from the opportunity to connect with the right people, from the great opportunity, by projection of yourself through your shabby look. You are a brand, and you are your own brand manager, package yourself the way you want to be bought.

Believe it or not, the old saying, you can’t judge a book by the cover is another description. Maybe true, but branding, product packaging, and designers all over the world have created an industry betting that people do judge and purchase products based on how they look. And career counsellors still advise their clients to dress for the job they want, not the job they currently have. These counsellors know that people are actually evaluated by their appearance (this is key body language on the first impression), and they want their clients to gain a non-verbal advantage by already ‘’looking the part’’. At suits.com.ng, this one the reasons we created our Consultation section to put customers through on the rules and etiquettes to dress for success.

A lot of people have gotten jobs just by the way they dressed. Your good image could mark you for favour at your work place, most employers prefer going for an important meetings for their organizations with the best dressers. They intend to project the best image of their organization. Many a woman has met their life partners by successfully dressed up in a way that caught the attention of the man. One of the unspoken effect of a successful dressing is the psychological effect on the person wearing the cloth. There is a way you feel, there is way you carry yourself when you dress well. Looking good give you a level of confidence, you feel great about yourself. When it comes to work place dress. In this era of ‘’me incorporated’’ and ‘’the brand called you’’ too flashy or revealing clothing is it part of how you want to be judged? You might think you are expressing your individuality, but you could also be sending the message that you are not a serious professional.

Our clothing has an unbelievable effect on us and people around us. It has been proven that people would be more likely to listen to you, help you, and give information if you are well dressed. You are really a brand, package yourself according to the price tag you place on yourself. If you are dark in complexion like most Nigerians, look out for cloths that resonate well your skin colour. Your body structure is vital to the clothing you should choose. Use your skin colour and body built as guild to clothing you wear, that it looked good on your friend doesn’t mean it will look good on you. If you would forget anything here, don’t forget ‘’to look good always’’ and ‘’first impression matters.

At suits.com.ng, our consultation is free for customers. A section created to ensure that you leverage on your image to step into your greatness.

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